Joy's Teaching Services
Joy has many years of teaching experience on harp and piano.
She has been on the faculty of Roosevelt University.
She is presently teaching at Trinity International University.
She teaches all ages and levels on the pedal harp and the folk harp.
Joy has students from elementary school to middle school, high school and adult,
including grandmothers and grandfathers. Joy enjoys teaching and has
learned much from her students and from her own teaching.
She treats students individually and values their character and potential;
she gives them the encouragement they need.
Joy's students play ensemble, orchestra, and musicals beside their solo pieces, in their schools, churches, libraries and community activities. They are members of the Midwest Young Artists, Chicago Youth Orchestra, Music Institute of Chicago and Harper College Orchestra.
After their graduation from high school, a number of her students have obtained scholarships as harp majors at the universities of their choice.
Joy teaches at her home studio, one lesson each week from forty-five minutes to one hour. She has lever harps to rent to help new students get started.